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Child Protection Program

"Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, "

For God's glory, the Children's Ministry at Westminster Presbyterian Church exists to assist parents in the nurture of their children to a knowledge of God, a love of Jesus Christ and a deep reliance on the Holy Spirit and the gospel of grace leading to lives that glorify God through joyful worship, spiritual growth, service, community, and witness.

Child Protection Training

Anyone at WPC Sumter who desires to work with children under the age of 18 years old must submit documentation certifying that they have completed Child Protection Training using the following steps.


1. We have partnered with Protect My Ministry to (i) provide training and (ii) complete background checks for each of our volunteers. You can register to complete these actions by clicking the Protect My Ministry image below. You should receive an email with further instructions within 24 - 48 hours.



2.  Each volunteer must read the Child Protection Policy below and then print and sign a Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form. This document must be submitted to the Director of Children's Ministry.

Child Protection Policy

Westminster Presbyterian Church of Sumter, South Carolina (WPC Sumter) is committed to the protection of the physical and emotional well-being of children, particularly in ministries under the supervision of WPC ministry personnel. WPC Sumter works to foster a culture wherein children are nurtured and protected, thus working to prevent sexual, emotional or physical abuse.


The primary goal of any policy is the protection of the child, as well as the spiritual development of a nurturing covenant community. Child abuse (sexual, physical, or emotional) or neglect is not in keeping with the gospel, and therefore is not tolerated by WPC Sumter.


Our full Child Protection Policy is available for review by clicking the image below.


Westminster Presbyterian Church 

230 Alice Drive, Sumter SC 29150 803.773.7235

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